@article{oai:omu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00010839, author = {鎌田, 佳奈美 and 楢木野, 裕美 and 鈴木, 敦子 and 上野, 昌江}, issue = {2}, journal = {大阪府立看護大学医療技術短期大学部紀要}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, A parent who suffered from child abuse is a risk-factor in the occurrence of child abuse for his/her own child. This study analyzes the component factors of a pregnant woman's attitude toward parenthood and also clarifies the relationship betwee n those attitudes and the mother's nature of attachment to her child. Questionnaires were distriputed to 728 pregnant women, and 726 questionnaires were collected. The mother's attachment was assessed by using the Internal Working Models (IWM) scale; and the mother's attitude toward parenthood was assessed by Readiness for Parenthood. The major components of Readiness for Parenthood were divided into 7 categories: "an attachment to and acceptance of the child," "anxiety about child care," "a feeling of self-sacrifice," "a feeling of hate towards the child" "a traditional motherhood-idea," "expectations for child care," and "idea of the child." Significant correlation was found between the secure mothers and 2 categories: an attachment to and acceptance of the child and a traditional motherhood-idea. In addition, we found a correlation between the insecure mother and 3 categories: anxiety about child care, a feeling of selfsacrifice, and a feeling of hate toward the child. After assessing the IWM of a pregnant woman, what kind of support and for how long that support is needed can be decided., 大阪府立看護大学医療技術短期大学部紀要. 2002, 7(2), p.65-71}, pages = {65--71}, title = {<原著>妊婦が親になることに対する態度の構成要素とInternal Working Modelとの関連(人文社会科学系)}, volume = {7}, year = {2002} }