@article{oai:omu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00004742, author = {沢田, 善太郎}, journal = {人間科学. Human Sciences}, month = {Dec}, note = {application/pdf, This essay treats civilizing processes of the noblesse and the bourgeoisie in France. In the first half of this essay, we view the history of the social attitudes of the Middle Ages and early modern court nobles in France. The latter half of this essay pays attention on the age of late 17th century and 18th century, when the cultural hegemony switched over from the noblesse to the bourgeoisie. We will distinguish two types of the sociability : salon for the noble men and circle for the bourgeoisie., 人間科学. Human Sciences. 1994, 25, p.53-76}, pages = {53--76}, title = {文明化 : 貴族とブルジョワ}, volume = {25}, year = {1994} }