@article{oai:omu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00004760, author = {寺島, 俊穂}, journal = {人間科学. Human Sciences}, month = {Dec}, note = {application/pdf, This paper treats the relation between the open mind and the open society. In search of just society political theorists have articulated what the just human mind is. In this first part, the political theory of Eric Voegelin is examined in this respect. And it is pointed out that in his case the open mind is open to mystic experience, transcendence and God. His idea of universal humanity is not directly related to any existing political society but to the permanent renovation of the human mind., 人間科学. Human Sciences. 1989, 21, p.27-49}, pages = {27--49}, title = {現代政治理論と開かれた精神(1)}, volume = {21}, year = {1989} }