@article{oai:omu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00005606, author = {森, 一恵 and 小関, 真紀 and 小西, 美和子 and 山口, 亜希子 and 林田, 裕美 and 吉田, 智美 and 高見沢, 恵美子 and 田中, 京子 and 和歌, 恵美子 and 笹田, 友恵 and 山本, 暁世}, issue = {1}, journal = {大阪府立大学看護学部紀要}, month = {}, note = {application/pdf, 本研究の目的は,新人看護師が自らの経験を振り返るなかから,看護基礎教育の周手術期実習に求めている学習内容を明らかにすることである。大阪府下の2施設で調査に同意の得られた周手術期病棟に勤務する新人看護師を対象に,平成17年10月~12月に半構成的面接を行った。倫理的配慮は,本学の倫理審査の承認を得,対象者に自由意思での参加を説明し同意を得た。対象者は16名(平均年齢24.0歳)であった。対象者は,周手術期実習において,周手術期看護に必要な学習内容を挙げていたが,就職後に基礎教育での学びの不足を感じていた。また,周手術期実習での学習内容と臨床実践での違いについて【知識】【技術】【態度】の他に【時間】のカテゴリーが抽出され,<患者数が増えて時間不足>など3カテゴリーが抽出された。新人看護師が周手術期実習に求めている学習内容は,<アセスメントの知識><アセスメントの技術><実践で用いる技術><疑問を持ち積極的に解決する態度>など7カテゴリーが抽出された。これらのことから,周手術期実習にはより実践的な学習内容が求められると考えた。, The purpose of this research is to clarify the ideal learning contents of perioperative training as a fundamental nursing educational subject by hearing the experience of new graduate nurses. Semi-constructive interviews were conducted between October and December 2005, directed to 16 new graduate nurses with average age of 24 years who were working for the perioperative wards in two medical institutions of Osaka Prefecture, which had agreed the purpose of the research. Ethical consideration was paid to the interviews under the screening of the medical ethics council of the University, and the interviewees agreed their participation at their own free will. Although the 16 interviewees acquired necessary content of learning for perioperative nursing during their perioperative training at school, they felt a shortage of fundamental educational learning after their employment. As a result of the interviews, the differences between the perioperative training and clinical practice were classified into three categories "knowledge", "technique", and "attitude" as well as "time spent" that . The contents of perioperative training that new graduate nurses expect were classified into seven categories adding , , , and . From the foregoing, it is considered necessary to have more practical basis education for perioperative training., 大阪府立大学看護学部紀要. 2007, 13(1), p.33-41}, pages = {33--41}, title = {新人看護師が求めている看護基礎教育における周手術期の学習内容}, volume = {13}, year = {2007} }