@article{oai:omu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00005620, author = {山本, 裕子 and 臼井, キミカ}, issue = {1}, journal = {大阪府立大学看護学部紀要}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, 認知症高齢者に尊厳ある個別看護を提供するには,高齢者の人生暦を理解することが重要である。認知症高齢者の人生暦に対する看護師の認識が所属施設により相違があるかを明らかにするために,近畿地方の介護老人保健施設100施設,介護老人福祉施設200施設,グループホーム125施設(1施設につき1~3名)の看護師を対象に,独自に作成した質問紙を用いた構成的質問紙調査を行った。調査内容は「人生暦を理解する意義」「看護における人生暦の有用性」「看護における人生暦の必要性」「人生暦と情報収集の関係」である。その結果,看護師169名から回答が得られ,認知症高齢者の人生暦に対する看護師の認識は高く施設間に差がないことが明らかになった。また,人生暦が理解できる情報収集用紙の必要性,記録する必要性,家族と共有する必要性のいずれにおいても8割以上が肯定しており,施設間の差は認められなかった。, Understanding the life history of the elderly with dementia is highly needed to provide them with appropriate individual nursing care with respect to their dignity. In order to clarify the difference in recognition of the life history of the elderly with dementia by the nurses working in different setting, a structural questionnaire survey was conducted by using the original form of questions to the subject nurses working at 100 long term care health facilities for the elderly, 200 long term care welfare facilities for the elderly and 125 group homes (1~3 nurses in each facility). Contents of the survey are "the significance of understanding the life history", "the effect of life history in nursing", "the necessity of life history in nursing", and "the relation between life history and information gathering". As the result, answers were collected from 169 nurses and it was found that the recognition of the importance of understanding the life history of the elderly with dementia by the nurses was quite high with not much difference among care providing facilities. Also over 80% of the nurses gave affirmative answers to the necessity of information gathering form to get knowledge of life history, the necessity to keep record and to be shared with the family, and there was not significant difference among the facilities., 大阪府立大学看護学部紀要. 2006, 12(1), p.23-35}, pages = {23--35}, title = {認知症高齢者の人生暦に関する施設別看護師の認識の比較}, volume = {12}, year = {2006} }