@article{oai:omu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00005623, author = {吉田, 智美 and 小島, 操子}, issue = {1}, journal = {大阪府立大学看護学部紀要}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, 本研究は,肺悪性腫瘍再発患者の緩和治療・ケアの場の決定過程を支える看護ケアプログラムを考案するための基礎資料を得るために,緩和ケア病棟に入院中の患者の病状認知および緩和治療・ケアの場をどのように決定してきたのか,どんな影響要因があったのかなどを明らかにすることを目的とした。対象者は,緩和ケア病棟に入院中の75歳までの成人患者8名で,面談可能で本調査への承諾が得られた者。方法は,半構成的質問紙を用いた面接および基礎情報用紙を用いた情報収集とし,内容分析を用いて分析した。結果,対象者の平均年齢は60歳(53~73),男性6名,女性2名,病期は全員Stage IVであった。根治治療困難が知らされた時の病状の受け止めは「あきらめ」「経過からの覚悟」「否認」であり,緩和治療・ケアの場の決定のための情報収集は「家族主体」「患者主体」「周囲から」であり,決定に影響した要因は「症状や不安の増強」「根治治療に伴うつらさ」「家族への気遣い」などであった。, The purpose of this study is to clarify of issues concerning palliative treatment and care - recognition of the patients' condition, how to decided the setting of palliative treatment and care, and factors influencing decision-making at such settings - in order to obtain basic data for developing a nursing care supporting program for patients with recurring pulmonary malignancies receiving palliative treatment and care. The subjects were 8 adult patients aged up to 75 who were able to respond in an interview. Data were collected using semi-structured interviews and a questionnaire for demographic information. Following results were obtained. Average age of informants was 60 (range 53-73), and they were all at stage IV of the illness. Content analysis, revealed the following: 1) when they were informed of palliative treatment and care, their responses were classified into three categories, "resignation," "expected outcome," and "denial;" 2) main sources of information for deciding the setting of palliative treatment and care were classified into three categories, "mainly patient's family," "mainly patients themselves" and "mainly people around them;" 3) factors influencing the decision to enter the setting were classified into three categories, "worsening symptom and increasing anxiety," "bitterness with normal treatment procedure," and "consideration for the family members.", 大阪府立大学看護学部紀要. 2006, 12(1), p.59-65}, pages = {59--65}, title = {緩和ケア病棟への入院を決定した肺悪性腫瘍再発患者の病状認知および緩和治療・ケアの場の決定に影響した要因}, volume = {12}, year = {2006} }